








Blog post assignment

Nutrigenetics –the study for future personalized nutrition –

There is a study area called “nutrigenetics” that examine the effects of bioactive compounds from food on gene expression 2. It deals with the relation between nutrients, gene expressions and disease.  Normally, food is made up of vast amount of chemicals which trigger various types of gene expressions that cause or prevent diseases.  Therefore, those researches may well explain the genetic basis of interindividual differences in response to the same nutritional intakes 3.  Many researchers are trying to unlock the secret of metabolic mechanism so that they may well produce personalized nutrition aiming for optimal health.
Figure1. The `smart` combination of molecular nutrition and nutrigenetics

As table 1 show below, some effective nutrients which impact on gene expressions have already reported such as folate which contributes DNA methylation. DNA methylation has been seen to be essential for the long-term inactivation of genes 1. These nutrigenetic researches are closely related to the famous notion, epigenetics.  Epigenetics refers to the processes that regulate how and when certain genes are turned on and off, while epigonetics pertains to analysis of epigenetic changes in a cell or entire organisms 3.  Epigenetic process is critical in the way that it may well be a breakthrough for the approach toward generate new medicine for prevention or curing disease.

Table1. Mode of action of nutrients on gene expression

Within the board range of study in nutrigenetics, the new research on Vitamin E was reported in 21th July 2011 by Dorrelyn et al.  In their research, it was revealed that Vitamin E succinate (VES) targets surviving signaling and induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells 4. They demonstrated that VES inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cells by inducing apoptosis and modulates the expression of inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) 4.
Figure2. The morphology of COLO-357 cells treated with 40 and 80 μl VES after 24 h

Figure3. DNA fragmentation at 40 and 80 μl VES treatment for 24 h

Figure4. Apoptosis was determined

As figure 2, 3 and 4 show above, these data indicate that VES-induced growth inhibition in COLO-357 is due to apoptosis.  In fact, this research group had read other group’s research paper which said pancreatic cell lines are insensitive to VES.  However, they found out the earlier study used too low concentration of VES, 1 μl.  Therefore they planned their research by their own way and discovered the property.  They said their additional studies in their laboratory are directed toward mechanistic insights into VES action. 

In this way, a lot of researches on nutrigenetics are being made throughout the world. Michael et al. claims that “Nevertheless, in the long term, these fields of endeavour may be the only way to optimise nutrition for optimal effects on health, wellness, and a slowing of the deterioration associated with the aging process 3.”  It seems that the field of nutrigenetics will keep growing as hot scientific study in the future.

Reference list
1.      Campbell NA, Reece JB, Meyers N, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasserman SA, Miorsky RV and Jackson, RB (2009). Biology 8th ed. Australian version. Pearson Education, Sydney.

2.      Evans DA, Hirsch JB, Dushekov S (2006).  Phenolics, inflammation and nutrigenomics. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 86 (15) p2503-2509.
Viewed 28th August < http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jsfa.2702/full>

3.      Fenech M, El-Sohemy A, Cahill L, Ferguso LR, French TC, Tai ES, Milner J, Koh WP, Xie L, Zucker M, Buckley M, Cosgrove L, Lockett T, Fung, KY, and Head, R (2011).  Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics: Viewpoints on the Current Status and Applications in Nutrition Research and Practice. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics. 4 (2), p69-89. Viewed 28thAugust <http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowPDF&ArtikelNr=327772&Ausgabe=255288&ProduktNr=232009&filename=327772.pdf>

4.      Patacsil D, Osayi S, Tran AT, Saenz F, Yimer L, Shajahan AN, Gokhale PC, Verma M, Clarke R, Chauhan SC, and Kumar, D. (2011) Vitamin E succinate inhibits surviving and induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. Genes & Nutrition 6. Viewed 28th August < http://www.springerlink.com/content/l5552mv34158v06m/fulltext.pdf>

Tables and Figures
Figure 1
Müller M, and Kersoten, S(2003). Nutrigenomics: goals and strategies. Nature Reviews Genetics. 4: p315-322
Viewed 28th August < http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v4/n4/full/nrg1047.html>

Figure 2, 3 and 4
Patacsil D, Osayi S, Tran AT, Saenz F, Yimer L, Shajahan AN, Gokhale PC, Verma M, Clarke R, Chauhan SC, and Kumar, D. (2011) Vitamin E succinate inhibits surviving and induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. Genes & Nutrition 6. Viewed 28th August < http://www.springerlink.com/content/l5552mv34158v06m/fulltext.pdf>

Table 1
Evans DA, Hirsch JB, Dushekov S (2006).  Phenolics, inflammation and nutrigenomics. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 86 (15) p2503-2509.
Vi ewed 28th August < http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jsfa.2702/full >



Personal Response

BIOL 1040: Cell to Organisms
Semester Two, 2011
Mother Ocean will Cure Cancer?!
“Molluscs provide chemicals for cancer treatment” – track 6
Name: Saki Okumura
Student ID: 42507321
Ocean as a treasure trove of drugs
What do you imagine when you hear the word, “ocean”? Swimming, surfing, scuba diving… Those images may vary from person to person. However, can anyone imagine “treasure trove of drugs” from that word? Now, this compelling notion is becoming popular among researchers who are studying pharmaceutical products. Here, I want to introduce you to the intriguing scientific area of oceans via ABC’s science show hosted by Robin Williams and with Dr. Kirsten Benkendorff who received the 2011 Dorothy Hill Award for her research on shellfish. She examined molluscs for environmental indicators and as resource for humans.
Molluscs – miracle medicine and valuable indicator –
As you know, it is quite a different environment between the inside and the outside of an ocean. So the sea creatures lives in quite different environments from where we live and they have adapted to cope. Therefore, they have unique mechanisms for biosynthesis and metabolism which the creatures living onshore don’t have. There is a field of study that examines these creatures and tries to apply their functional agents to the service of humans. It is called marine biotechnology.
Dr. Kirsten Benkendorff is one of those researchers who are interested in marine life. She did her research on molluscs as indicator organisms as well as a resource for mankind. As a resource for humans, she got an idea from homeopathic remedies of traditional medicine used all over the world. She focused attention on the anti-cancer properties of chemicals produced from their organs which protect their egg mass or work on immune systems. She used molluscs’ extract to conduct clinical trials to examine their efficacy and safety. And she worked out their secrets relating to cancer prevention. It actually works for colon cancer and the early stages of tumour formation. She could not establish a treatment model but there are still many kinds of molluscs yet to be examined. So it might be possible to find different efficacious chemicals from other types of molluscs.
As indicator organisms, she focused attention on their shell structures which are affected by acid rain so that we can better understand the changes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Also, she paid attention to the mass death of molluscs which gave insights into pathogen-host relationships. From this, we know more about the health of the environment.
Bounties of the ocean
As a Japanese person, I found this research quite interesting because cancer is one of the most serious causes of death in my country. The number of people suffering from cancer is increasing and one in three Japanese people die due to cancer. My grandparents and my best friend’s mother also died from cancer. They also tried to recover from the disease by searching for cures, like other cancer patients. So I’m keen on this topic.
I found this research interesting not only because it represents an epoch making scientific research, but at the same time it was a rediscovery of traditional foods’ efficacy. Being Japanese, I know quite a few cooking ingredients which have been handed down as healthy foods for particular health problem. There are many folk remedies in Japan and there is also a legend that says oyster and other molluscs have a good effect on cancer prevention, which looks like being proven from this research. It suggests to us that it is a good idea to review traditional culture for medical use and possibly use it in modern ways.
Traditionally, humans have tried to find useful ingredients from terrestrial creatures. Although oceans cover 70 % of the surface of the earth, their harsh environments have restricted our ability to research. However, in recent years, deep diving technology has evolved and it allows us to collect more types of marine life from the deep ocean. The alien environment of the sea is becoming an available resource for gaining useful substances for human life.
By continuing this study, we should be more conscious that new discoveries from oceans represent an exciting new use of this underutilized ecosystem. Even though it may be for study purposes, overfishing may well destroy the ecosystem of the ocean. Oceans hold the hope of new drugs for humans but at the same time we should remember that it is a place where life began and they are fragile that they need to be treated with respect. Not only researchers but also individuals have to keep in mind this fact and make wise judgments in relation to our behaviour toward the mother ocean.
軟体動物の産生する化学物質がガン予防の薬になる可能性をABC science show が取り上げてたことに対する初めてのpersonal response. 日本ではしたことのないタイプのアサイメントだが、scientist として lay public に対する文章を書く練習。(学部1年生の授業…)書くのに時間かかるうえに内容がないようで文法間違いだらけ。でも何事も練習。






今日は朝から来週から始まる模擬学会(eConference)のPlenary lectureのためにUQ Centreへ。
ネット上でペーパーを書いて投稿、ディスカッションする学会を練習するこのアサイメント。1年生からこのようなプログラムが用意されてるとかすごいね。今日のプレセンターはOxfordのDrを全額奨学金で卒業し、今はUQのリサーチセンター長をなさっている蛋白質のクリスタル化がご専門の方で内容は『Towards Antibacterial That Avoid Resistance』。ご自身の研究内容だけでなく、ジェネラルな薬品が製品にいたるまでの過程や、研究者としてのキャリアパスまで分かりやすくまとめてくださっていて最後までとても興味深く聞けた。
前々から思っていたが、こちらは日本での大学とはちがい、女性の研究者が本当に多い。今まで講義や実験やtutorialで会ったlecturerやtutorも女性がほとんどで、みなさんUQで研究に携わっている経験豊富で実力のある方々だった。素敵すぎる。毎回こちらの教育システムには目を見張るものがあって、人口2000万(cf 日本は2億2000万)の国でこれだけノーベル学者を出す理由にもうなづける気がする。





アンクルは私に、『You bring spring for him』と言ってくれた。本当に嬉しかった。私がいるだけで、話を聞いたりおしゃべりするだけでもグランパが喜んでくれるなら本当にすてきで光栄なことで幸せだと思う。










オーストラリアにきてから今まで生活してきて主に思うことは、『先人に感謝』ということ。ひしひしと今でも毎日思う。これだけよくしてくれるPamelaやグランパ、日本人のこと大好きらしい。でも他の国(特に2か国)の人のことは嫌いらしい。その違いがあまりに顕著で、Pamelaやグランパのことは大好きだけど、ちょっとこういう国で人を差別する傾向があるところは歴史的な背景があるってのは理解できるけど、正直、尊敬できないし怖いとさえ思う。 そして、この違いを生み出したのは、今まで彼らがであった人の違いなのだ。 彼らは台湾人として政治や外交のこともあるが、それに加えてあまり素敵でない2か国の方の方と出会ってきたみたいだ。そしてそれに引きかえ、素敵な日本人と出会ってきたのだ。Pamelaたちだけじゃない。私に、日本人としての私に、優しくしてくれた人たちはそのような先人と会ってきたから、日本にいいイメージを持っていたから(少なくても悪いイメージを持っていなかったから)、親切に接してくれた。こっちに来て本当に驚いたのだ。日本を好きな人がどれだけ多いのか。もちろん嫌いな人も多いのかもしれない。特にアジアの国の人たちは。でも日本人で本当に良かったと何回思ったことか。幸せだと思う。







それからおじいちゃんと3人、きむたくの「beautiful life」をなぜか見ながらご飯を食べて今晩も幸せやった。








