
Group Project Assignment_Report ver

Assignment 3: Group Project Assigment
Theme: Fruit nutraceutical for weight management

Marketing for cranberry powder

Group 6, marketer
Saki Okumura

There are some key points in success of producing a new product.  Especially for the functional food, it is critical to define the consumer target, the benefits that are most compelling for that target, their health and nutrition priorities, and their attitudes about their diet and health (Linda 2000).  Here, as a marketer, I searched the nature of the cranberry, estimated the intended market size, and built the strategy to get into the existing market.

To begin with, I searched the properties of cranberry and how they used in current market.  Cranberry has been famous for its function for helping prevent urinary tract infection (UTI) since cranberry is the only fruit for this benefit. (Mike 2010). They are commonly used for cranberry juice as well as fresh fruit for that property.  However, recent research revealed that there is not only preventing UTI disease function but also weight management ability and very high antioxidant ability. According to the research conducted by Elena’s group, flavonoids form cranberries actually have the property for weight management.  They treated obese mouse with cranberry extract and founded out the beneficial effects of flavonoids by metabolic state (Elena et al. 2011). The mechanism of preventing obesity is shown in figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-atherogenic effects of flavonoids in normal and obese mice (Elena et al. 2010).

To utilize this property, it is important to know how cranberry product is treated in the current market.  According to European report, US based Ocean Spray Cranberries product which is mainly juice product account for 65 percent share of the global cranberry market (Byrne 2009).  Their total sale in the cranberry market is US$73 m in 2007 (Byrne 2009). The ability of weight management has just founded so that there are not so many products which emphasize on this property in the cranberry market yet. 

In addition, other properties from cranberries can be emphasized.  Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from oxidative stress and the effect of free radicals (Forney 2011).  There are hundreds of thousands of antioxidants of antioxidants in foods.  Among those antioxidants, the following were found in cranberry, anthocyanins, ellagic acid, quercetin, resveratrol, selenium, vitamin A, C and E (Forney 2011).  From this antioxidant ability, cranberry is considered to have one of the highest antioxidant content per serving among fruits (Forney 2011).  These functional ingredients also can be emphasized for the product.

From those understanding of cranberry’s functional ingredients, I did the “SWOT analysis” for cranberry.  SWOT analysis helps the recognition of internal strength and weakness, as well as external opportunities and threats of the product (Houben et.al). 

Table 1. SWOT analysis for cranberry product

Internal origin
Weight management
  Effective ingredient = Flavonoid
Other effective ingredients
  Add value
Low consumer awareness
  Don’t know it as functional
Price concern
  Nutriceuticals = expensive
External origin
Current product = juice
  Expand product category
Increasing production of cranberry
  Price may decrease
Other fruits competitors
    e.g. Apples, blue berries, etc..
Other cranberries competitor
    e.g. Juice companies, etc..

In the SWOT table, the upper left shows strength, the upper right shows the weakness, the lower left shows opportunity, and the lower right shows threats of the product (Houben et.al).  According to the analysis, cranberry has functional ingredients for weight management as well as other properties for women’s concern about beauty which can be our strength of our product.  Also, the current position of cranberry in the market is juice. Therefore, there is a potential to produce unique product by creating cranberry product except juice. Also, I found the production of cranberry, which is mostly in North America, is increasing year by year which may well reduce the price of cranberry (CMC 2010).  On the other hand, as negative aspect of cranberry product, there is only a low awareness of health properties of cranberry among consumers and nutraceutical tend to be though as expensive product (Byrne 2009).  Also, we have to consider about other competitors in terms of other fruit such as apples and other cranberries competitors such as Ocean spray as cranberry juice company (Byrne 2009).

According to the discussion between Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC) and Hill and Knolton (H&K), Mr. Rucier, the representative of CMC, mentioned that “cranberries are not native to Australia while nearly 90% of the world’s cranberries are grown in the US.  So while cranberries have been available for years in Australia, they are still relatively unknown fruit” (Rucier 2006).
However, he continued to say that there are quite a few examples to increase the awareness to different countries including Germany, France, Mexico and Japan.  So CMC will try to grow the position of cranberries in order for the effective marketing.  Table 2 shows that the effect of advertising in Australian magazines. Also “Trade Communication” can be a key point to create consumer awareness.  In CMC report, they worked together with coles for promotion of cranberries. (CMC 2010)

Table 2. Coverage Chart

As for price concern, there is a data which shows the production of cranberries in US.  As the origin of cranberries, the North America account for most of the supply of cranberries.  The figure 2 is the US cranberry production between 1960 and 2009.  The trend of cranberry production is constantly increasing which indicate that the original price of cranberry may well decrease and contribute to the lower price for the nutriceuticals.

Figure2. US cranberry production 1960-2009

And finally, for the other fruits competitors, we have to set the particular target among consumers and build the strategies effectively.  We set the 2 main target consumers with strategies for each for each group.  First, the main target is “beauty seekers” who have concern about weight management.  According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2004-2005, a higher portion of men and women are classified as overweight or obese across the age groups.  For example, among 35-44 years old, 70 % of men and 43% of women were categorized as overweight or obese.  This result is shown in Figure 2.  Also, there is the data which shows around 80 % of overweight women do not want to do exercise (ABS 2005).  It indicate that although quite a few women in Australia are overweight, they do not want to do exercise and looking for other ways to solve the health problem such as buying functional foods or nutraceuticals.

Figure 2. Overweight or obese across the sex and ages

Figure 3. Sedentary-low exercise for women across overweight group and not

In addition, women are assumed to have health concern especially for beauty as well and they are willing to pay more for additional value.  They can be included in “lifestyle consumers”.  Therefore, the target consumer for the product is women who are looking for weight management as well as beauty.

For those consumers, the strategy called “Leaving hidden nutritional asset” will be applied.  The cranberry is famous for its UTI prevention but it has also effective for weight management and other properties for beauty.  We can aware them to women who are interested in beauty health.  We can emphasize the activity for ingredients for promoting beauty or create package which promote women’s purchase.

As I discussed above, the cranberry powder can add the new value for cranberry neutraceutical in terms of healthiness, accessible and build loyalty as new type of functional food.  Those factors will lead this project successful.

ABS 2006. National Health Survey: Summary of Results, Australia 2004-2005. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Cat.no.4364.0, Canberra.

Australia International Market Report 2010. Hill & Knowlton Australia.

Byrne, J 2009. Market: cranberry goes mainstream.  NutraIngredients.com. Viewed 25th October <http://www.nutraingredients.com/Industry/Markets-cranberry-goes-mainstream>

CMC 2010. Cranberry Marketing Committee Stats & Facts: CMC 2010 Marketing Policy and Crop Forecast.

Ellena, VS, Tarnopolsky, O, Singh, AP, Plutxly, J, Vorsa, N, Quadro, L 2011. Insights into the molecular mechanisms of the anti-atherogenic actions of flavonoids in normal and obese mice. PloS One. Volume.6 No.10

Forney, CF & Kalt, W 2011. Blueberry and cranberry. Health-promoting properties of fruit and begetables. pp. 51-73

Gilbert, L 2000. Marketing Functional Foods: How To Reach Your Target Audience. AgBioForum Vol.3 No.1 pp.20-38

Houben, G, Lenie, K, Vanhoof, K 1999. A knowledge-based SWOT-analysis system as an instrument for strategic planning in small and medium sized enterprises. Dicision Support System. Vol.26, Issue 2. pp.125-135.

Stone, M 2010. ‘Revolutionary’ cranberry product targets UTI market. viewed 24th October 2011.

Cranberry awareness by Hill & Knowlton 2006 B&T: showcase. Viewed 24th October, 2011

私にとってオーストラリア最後のアサイメント。感慨深いです。結局 writing はさんざんなのかもしれない。(毎回 1st draft 書くのに時間がかかりすぎてあまり推敲できてないし誰にもチェックもしてもらえてない…)でも、英語を writing することに対するアレルギーはなくなったし、書くのも打つのもスムーズになった。やはり文法や文章の構成・論理性が大切なのは言うまでもないが、こちらで一番学んだことは、「書く能力」「伝える能力」よりも、自分の中で何を書きたいのか・なにを伝えたいのかという中身がもっとも大切だということ。当たり前なのは分かってるけど、実感が大事やね。



Health Claim & Regulatory Advice Assignment

Food 3000: Functional Food and Nutraceuticals
Semester Two, 2011
Assignment 2 Health claim & regulatory advice

The Health Claim of Vitamin B

Name:                       Saki Okumura
Student ID:              42507321

Vitamin B complex – desirable ingredients for functional food and nutraceuticals–
Vitamins by definition are compounds that are essential for life and if not synthesised must be obtained in the diet (Selhub et.al 2000).  Vitamin B complex is one group of those vitamins which is made up of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12.  Although vitamin B6 and B3 can be synthesised in the body, the amount is insufficient. Therefore, we have to intake all of these vitamins by food product or supplements.  The health claims for the vitamin B complex are in the major role in the good health of the body metabolism as well as in the sound mental health (Bates & Heseker 1994).  This report will examine the health claims of vitamin B complex with their bioactivity, bioavailability, health claims and some key issues with some product examples.

What makes vitamin B complex as an effective ingredient?
Historically, B vitamins were once thought to be a single vitamin referred to as vitamin B.  However, some distinct natures and their own unique biological role to play are found later.  Some of their key bioactivities were showed in table 1 in the next page.  For example, vitamin B1 which is also called thiamine, works as coenzyme for proteins in an essential part of system converting carbohydrates to energy (Akyilmaz, Yasa & Dinckaya 2006). The form of coenzyme is shown in figure 1. Also they are necessary for the proper function of the nervous, the heart, and the musculature system (Akyilmaz, Yasa & Dinckaya 2006).

Figure 1. Chemical structure of vitamin B1 (left) and
its converted structure which works as coenzyme (right)

Although each vitamin B has different chemical structure, they all have bioactivity as coenzyme involving metabolism (Bates & Heseker 2011).  Also, they have interaction between some B vitamins (Stough 2011).  Therefore it is claimed that taking vitamin B complex is more effective than taking them individually (Stough 2011).  Vitamin B complex has been used for quite a few functional food and neutraceuticals.  In most cases, they are used to the products which focus on enhancing body metabolism.  Also, Vitamin B complex has the ability on nerve system regulation.  The study conducted by Stough showed their ability of lowering personal strain, reduction in confusion and depress/dejected mood after 12 weeks (Stough et al. 2011).  In addition to relieving stress, vitamin B complex contributes to preventing disease in the elderly (Selhub et al. 2000).  From these properties the health claims of vitamin B are “regulate metabolism” and “regulate nerve system”.  And those claims are supported by quite a few evidence researches. However, bioavailability and limited dosage is another problem.
Table 1. Vitamin B complex with their bioactivities, mode of action
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B9
(Folic acid)
Vitamin B7
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B5
(Pantothen acid)
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B1
Function in especially gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, and the bone marrow. It is known to aid in the development of red blood cells in higher animals
Necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids and the formation of red blood cells
Plays a role in metabolic processes that lead to the formation of fats and the utilization of carbon dioxide.
Coenzyme for several enzyme systems involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
Coenzyme for several enzyme systems involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbon dioxide
Helps of metabolic reactions essential for the growth and well-being of animals
Required to complete several reactions in the energy cycle
Helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy and helps in the metabolism of proteins and fats
Key Bioactivities
Although vitamin B complex is usually considered to be well absorbed and readily available compared with other mineral nutrients, there are some situations where bioavailability is limited (Bates & Heseker 1994).  For example, each vitamin B is easily destroyed by alcohol consumption, regular exercise, taking oral contraceptives, caffeine, stress and smoking.  In those cases, bioavailability of vitamin B complex would be decreased (Bates & Heseker 1994).  One of key feature of change in vitamin B bioavailability is that pregnant woman tend to have deficiency that they have to intake more dose than others (Manzanares 2011).
There are some ways to measure B vitamins.  The way of measuring is depends on molecular structure of vitamins and its reaction with other substance (Karmi  2010).  For example, for vitamin B12 which plays roles in red blood cell formation and nerve cell maintenance, various methods are used.  The methods called electroluminescent (ECL) which involves highly reactive materials, inductive-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which is used routinely in many research, radioimmunoassay (RIA) which is a highly sensitive immunoassay technique (Karmi 2010).  The methods also include microbiological assay and spectrophotometric methods which are called old methods and used for reference purpose.  Depend on the types of sample, purpose of the test, necessity of pre-processing, time limitations, cost , sensitivity, and specificity, the best method for measuring vitamin B is chosen (Karmi 2010).
To optimize the bioactivity of vitamin B, the recommended daily intake (RDI) is determined by each country.  For example, in Australia, FZANZ determined RDI for B vitamins.  RDI for each vitamin B is shown in table 2.  As it is shown in table 2, the dosage required for pregnant woman is higher than those who are not.

Table 2. Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) by NHMRC

Men (19-30 yr)
Women (19-30 yr)
Vitamin B1 (mg/day)
1.1 (pregnancy 1.4)
Vitamin B2 (mg/day)
1.1 (pregnancy 1.4)
Vitamin B3 (mg/day)
14 (pregnancy 18)
Vitamin B5 (mg/day)
4 (pregnancy 5)
Vitamin B6 (mg/day)
1.3 (pregnancy 1.9)
Vitamin B7 (μg/day)
25 (pregnancy 30)
Vitamin B9 (μg/day)
400 (pregnancy 600)
Vitamin B12 (μg/day)
2.4 (pregnancy 2.6)

Examine Health claims and their regulation in US and Australia
From those health claims of boosting energy metabolism and mental health are used in commercial products.  There are two examples of actual commercial product for this below. 
“Red Bull” is a well-known energy drink throughout the world.  It contains B vitamins and other nutrients related to energy metabolism.  As it is shown in table 3, in “Red Bull”, the lack of vitamin B1 and B5 is significant in terms of RDI.  Oh the other hand, another example of products is “Super Coenzyme B-Complex TM” in which most of the B vitamins are excess to RDI.  Although vitamin can be discharged as it is water soluble vitamin, the extra amount is significant. This may well cause nervous tissue damage due to excess folic acid (Beard, Panser & Latusic 2011).
The adding of vitamins to food is often referred to as fortification.  Food standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) have developed the food regulation for this.  The Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council (Food Ministers) has agreed that food manufacturers can add vitamins and minerals to food where there is evidence of a potential health benefit and fortification will not result in harm (FSANZ 2011).
In US, food regulation is not as strict as Australia.  FDA regulates both finished dietary supplement products and dietary ingredients under a different set of regulations than those covering “conventional” foods and drug products.  FDA has limited resources to analyse the composition of food products including supplement (FDA 2011).
As comparing the food regulation in Australia and Us, at first, the aim of those regulations has different nature.  Australian set the regulation trying to ensure the public health and safety.  They try to take away the label which may confuse consumers.  On the other hand, US regulatory system set the regulation trying to ensure the right of product companies.  Their aim is to give consumers various information of product before they buy it.  Therefore, there are quite a few dietary supplements which may boost the rapid growth of nutraceutical market in the US.  However, the food safety should be the priority for optimal health of consumers.  Health claim must be supported by authorized reliable research.  FDA should have better regulatory systems which focus on safety of consumers.

Product example 1, “Red Bull Energy Drink”

Table 3. B vitamins in the “Red Bull Energy Drink”
(Amount per 1 serving 8.3 fl oz can 250 g)

Amounts Per Selected Serving
% DV
0.1 mg
1.4 mg
21.2 mg
Vitamin B6
2.1 mg
Vitamin B12
4.4 μg
Pantothenic Acid
3.5 mg

Product example 2: “Super Coenzyme B-Complex TM

Table 2. B Vitamins in the “Super Coenzyme B-Complex TM
Directions: Take 1-2 capsule, up to three times per day

Amount Per Serving (2 capsules)
% Daily Value
Vitamin B-1
10 mg
Vitamin B-2
10 mg
Vitamin B-3
100 mg
Vitamin B-5
50 mg
Vitamin B-6
50 mg
Vitamin B-12
200 mg
Folic Acid (calcium filinate)
400 μg
Biotin (pure crystalline)
400 μg
Akyilmaz, Erol., Yasa, Ihsan., and Dinckaya, Erhan 2006, ‘Whole cell immobilized amperometric biosensor based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae for selective determination of vitamin B1 (thiamine)’, Analytical Biochemistry, vol.354, pp.78-84.

Bates, CJ & Heseker, H 1994, ‘Human Bioavailability of Vitamins. Nutrition Research Review’, vol.7, pp.93-127.

Beard, CM, Panser, LA, & Katusic, SK 2011, ‘Is excess folic acid supplementation a risk factor for autism?’ Med Hypotheses, vol.77, no.1, pp15-17.

Karmi, O, Zayed, A, Baraghethi, S, Qadi, M, & Ghanem, R 2011, ‘Measurement of Vitamin B12 concentration: a available methods’, The IIOAB Journal, vol.2, no.2, pp23-32.

Manzanares, W & Hardy, G 2011, ‘Thiamine supplementation in the critically ill’, Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, vol.14 no.6, pp610-617.

Selhub, J, Baglarey, LC, Miler, J, & Rosenberg, IH 2000, ‘B vitamins, homocysteine, and neurocognitive function in the elderly’, American Jurnal of Clinical Nutrition, vol.71, no.2, pp614-620.

Stough, C, Scholey, A, Lloyd, J, Spong, J, Myers, S, & Downey, LA 2011, ‘The effect of 90 day administration of a high dose vitamin B-complex on work stress’, Human Psychophamacology,  Doi: 10.1002/hup.1229.

FSANZ web site. Addition of citamins and minerals to food.
Viewed 11th October 2011,

FDA: U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Viewed 11th October 2011

Figures and Tables
The picture on the title page
Blog, “B-vitamins for nervous system” posted on January 26th, 2011, viewed 18th October 2011,

Product example 1
Redbull homepage, viewed 18th October 2011

Product example 2
Hope page of “Wellness resources”, viewed 18th October 2011

Figure 1
Ryo, F, Astushi, H, Fumihiko, H, Ikuo, I, Toshihiko, I, Ryuhei, H, Kazuki, K, Teruo, K, Haruo, M, Katsumi, S, Jyunji, T, &Masahiro, Y 2005, ‘Functional Nutritional Chemistry’ Asakura shoten,

Table 1
McNabb, Kevin 2011, ‘The Function of Vitamin B in Our Life’, EzineArticles.com, viewed 18th October 2011,

Table 2
‘Energy drink, RED BULL, sugar free, with added caffeine, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamins B6 and B12’, viewed 18th October 2011,

Table 3
Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand, viewed 18th October 2011,

FOOD3000 assignment 2: Health Claim and regulatory Advice

来週はassignment 3: group work のプレゼン発表とレポート提出や…。
新しい”functional foodの市場に出す前の社内プレゼン”という設定で、私たちのグループはcranberry neutraceutical for weight managementっていうテーマをします。















